
ALUCOBOND® FaceFastened: Affordable and Stylish Cladding Solution for Modern Architecture

For more than 5 decades, Alucobond has been at the forefront of the development of metal facades. Recently, it launched a new variation – the Alucobond FaceFastened system. In this article, we look at different application possibilities of this system which is now also available from Alucobond Australia.

What is Alucobond FaceFastened?

Alucobond FaceFastened is high-performance architectural cladding used in a wide range of applications not only by cladding installers in Sydney, but all over Australia. With this cladding, architects can design and create a plank look for their projects while using Alucobond material.

What differentiates FaceFastened from other Alucobond cladding material is that it has oversized, exposed fasteners. These fasteners can be painted to either match the panel colour or be different from the panels, depending on the designer’s instructions. To give the plank-like look the panels are smaller in width and are available in extended lengths.

alucobond australia

Special features, applications and pros

Since the introduction of this new system by Alucobond Australia several Alucobond installations have been cladded with it. The reasons why it is becoming so popular with architects and designers include the following:

  • Installers can flush-mount it to ensure seamless cladding.
  • Designers can select from various finishes and a wide range of colours to match modern architecture.
  • Alucobond Australia assists designers and installers in experimenting with the material on facades, soffits, canopies, roofs, column covers, and more.
  • Alucobond FaceFastened is versatile and can be used for exterior and interior cladding.
  • The overall Alucobond cladding price compares favourably with other cladding materials and using FaceFastened panels is very cost-effective. The panels are light and easily ship flat, cutting down on transport costs. The speed of installation is also a money saver because of the cut in labour fees. The system also requires very little maintenance.
  • The FaceFastened panels are, like all other Alucobond panels, fire-proof.

Some cons

There are a few cons of Alucobond cladding in general that are also applicable on FaceFastened panels and architects and designers must be aware of them.

  • The panels can dent if hit directly.
  • Abrasive materials and tools can scratch the panels.
  • Rain, and especially hail, can cause a ricocheting sound.

cladding installers sydney


There are many excellent aluminium cladding companies such as Glamour Decor in Sydney that will be able to assist architects and designers to experiment with Alucobond FaceFastened. Usually, installers find that because of the flexibility of the panels, it is easy to install the cladding.


Alucobond FaceFastener is an affordable and stylish cladding solution for modern architecture. The panels are now available by Alucobond Australia.

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