
Transforming Residential Interiors: The Power of Aluminium Composite Materials

Many people, including Australians, have become environmentally conscious and expect architects and interior designers to use as much as possible environmental-friendly material when designing modern residential homes. To accommodate this, architects and designers increasingly use aluminium composite panels for indoor purposes. An aluminium panel is eco-friendly, easy to work with and blends beautifully in with other décor materials. Many experts in the field of house decoration describe the increasing use of aluminium panels as a transformation in the designing of residential interiors.

aluminium composite panel sydney

Key aspects why aluminium composite materials (ACM’s) is so popular

It is easy to work with

An aluminium panel is lightweight and, therefore, easy to mould and install. Interior decorators don’t have to use ACM as cladding material only, but can create aluminium design pieces of furniture such as aluminium shelving units, chairs and tables.

ACM is eco-friendly material

ACM is seen as eco-friendly because of, amongst other things, the following reasons:

  • Aluminium composite panels in Sydney, as in most other cities in the world, contribute to the city’s ”less waste” programmes because they are completely recyclable.
  • ACMs are excellent insulation material. A room cladded with an ACM product doesn’t need much energy for heating or cooling. Therefore, choosing aluminium cladding in Australia for residential interior purposes makes good sense. Because it saves energy it also reduces carbon emissions.

It is Cost-effective

Whether the interior designer incorporates into the décor of a residential room furniture created with durable aluminium composite material, or clads sections of the interior wall with an aluminium panel, the whole setup requires little maintenance and will last for years. The homeowner doesn’t need to renovate soon. Thus, over time, ACM is very cost-effective.

Aluminium is Compatible with other materials

Interior designers can pair the versatile ACM with other materials such as glass and leather for special effect. Because aluminium composite panels come in various colours and finishes, enabling architects and interior designers to experiment with modern décor ideas.

aluminium cladding australia

It is ideal to create focal points

Because aluminium cladding gives walls texture, interior designers use this effect to create a focal point in the room. Different colours and finishes can be used to make the wall and the focal point interesting.


This Australian trend may have started in Sydney, but the trend has now spread throughout Australia. Nowadays, most Australian architects and interior designers experiment with ACM as part of the décor. They realise that this material is not only an excellent material for exterior cladding, but is in the process of transforming modern residential interiors.

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